Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jump from the plain for one day!

Skydivers are always and everywhere highly appreciated. With its appearance they cause unconcealed admiration. And it is not surprising because these people are synonym for courage, steadiness, sacrifice, unselfish fellowship and great enthusiasm. Every energetic tourist, desiring adventure, have opportunity to experience top adrenalin experience by jumping with parachute. Free fall is, surely, the best part of the skydive jump. That is a skydiver`s flight from the moment of jump from the plain, mostly at the height of 3,000 down to 900 m, until the moment parachute opens. That free fall lasts for approximately 40 seconds and it can reach the speed up to 300km/h.

Magnificent adrenalin feeling, which was known by skydivers, tested adventurers, is the best invitation for all those who hesitate to become masters of the blue sky by parachute jumping.

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