Everywhere you look you see sport intertwined into everyday life, be it on the television, in your back yard, in schools, universities or in social networks. Nobody can escape the influence of sport, either as a spectator or a participant – it’s everywhere. But who is to blame for this new era in sports? Is it the sponsors who are pouring millions of dollars into the sports industry that are changing the attitudes of athletes? For professional sports players it is no longer about the love of the game or staying loyal to your team or fans. It is all a question of money, or more to the point, “Show me the money.” The bottom line being, if the managers can’t offer enough zeros on the end of a paycheck, they can wave goodbye to their top athletes. Controversy has erupted across the globe as to whether athletes are worthy of their million dollar contracts. The bottom line is, athletes deserve all the money they earn because big corporations are willing to pay. High expectations are placed on athletes personally and professionally, and they have to subject themselves to risk on the playing field as well as personal sacrifice. An athlete being sponsored to play professional sports was once unheard of.